- A short spout for espresso machines with 58mm portafilter. To make 2 espressi at the same time with your espresso machine.
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- In stock, dispatched within 48h
- Ridged filter
- High precision
- For 7g of ground coffee
- To be used with 58mm portafilter
Mother's Day
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Mother's Day
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Prix de comparaison : 45€50
Prix de vente conseillé par la marque ou le fournisseur. En savoir plus
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- In stock, dispatched within 48h
- Blind filter backflushing rubber disk is essential to clean your espresso machine. We also recommend that you use the espresso machine detergent Puly CAFF
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- In stock, dispatched within 48h
- For Flair 58 Bottomless Filter Basket
- High-precision Filter
- Made of Stainless Steel
Prix de comparaison : 65€90
Prix de vente conseillé par la marque ou le fournisseur. En savoir plus
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- In stock, dispatched within 48h