Caffè Vergnano Decaffeinato ESE pods x 36

  • 100% Arabica
  • Decaffeinated with solvent
  • Roasted in Italy
  • 2 Boxes of 18 ESE pods
Available in:
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  • In stock, dispatched within 48h

Caffè Vergnano Decaffeinato: Enjoy a good espresso without the caffeine content! Bundle of 36 ESE pods for your manual espresso machine with ESE filter.


Main Characteristics:

IntensiteBalanced Coffee
Appellation  Blend
Type de torrefaction
roasted in
Pays de torrefaction  Italy


These ESE Decaffeinato pods contain a mild, fragrant and delicate coffee.

This coffee contains a blend of pure roasted coffee, slowly and naturally roasted, offering a light and balanced decaffeinated espresso!

You will find an espresso with an aromatic balance, all without caffeine.

It's an espresso you can enjoy at any time of day.



CaffÃ?Æ?Ã?© Vergnano s'engage pour l'environnement Caffé Vergnano's commitment to the environment:

The attention that Caffè Vergnano devotes to the balance of our planet increases every day.

To communicate its commitment to the environment, Caffé Vergnano has created the new "Caffè Vergnano per l'ambiente" logo, which indicates that the packaging has a low impact on the environment and advises how to recycle the various materials of which it is made.

This is an ongoing commitment for Caffè Vergnano, which aims to market packaging that is increasingly recyclable.

Caffè Vergnano

Caffè Vergnano

Caffè Vergnano is a company that boasts a long and prestigious history.

The company was founded way back in 1882 by Domenico Vergnano, grandfather of the current owners, who set up business in the small medieval town of Chieri, at the foot of Turin Hill.

The true vocation of the Vergnano family became apparent very quickly: in just a few years they mastered the art of coffee-roasting and selling.

Caffè Vergnano Decaffeinato ESE pods x 36
Type of drink Decaffeinated
EAN : 8001800003149

ESE pods - Decaffeinato - x18 - Caffè del Faro
  • 18 ESE coffee pods
  • Arabica/Robusta blend (India/Brazil/Central America)
  • Italian roasted
  • Naturally decaffeinated coffee
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  • In stock, dispatched within 48h

Illy ESE pods Espresso Intenso x 216 coffee pods
  • Italian roast for strong espresso
  • 100% Arabica
  • Illy ESE pods for compatible espresso machines
  • 216 ESE pods in a box
Prix de comparaison : 74€90
Prix de vente conseillé par la marque ou le fournisseur. En savoir plus
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  • FREE delivery
  • In stock, dispatched within 48h

Les Petits Torréfacteurs Cherry flavoured-coffee ESE pods x 50
  • 100% Arabica
  • 50 individually-wrapped ESE pods
  • Cherry flavour
  • French Artisan Roast
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  • In stock, dispatched within 48h

Caffè Bornone ESE Pods Miscela Blu x50
  • 50 Miscela Blu ESE pods
  • 50% Arabica 50% Robusta
  • Compostable pods
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  • In stock, dispatched within 48h