Gimoka Dolce Gusto® Compatible Pods Espresso Americano Value Pack x 96

  • Dark Roast
  • Ideal for: Americano
  • Balanced - Delicate and Subtle Notes
  • Dolce Gusto® Compatible Pods
  • Value Pack 96 Pods


Prix de comparaison : 24€90
Prix de vente conseillé par la marque ou le fournisseur. En savoir plus
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  • In stock, dispatched within 48h

Have you tried Espresso Americano and liked it? Discover the pack of 96 Dolce Gusto® compatible pods so you can enjoy this long-brewed coffee for longer, alone or with others. With or without milk, Gimoka's Espresso Americano is a real success with its subtle and aromatic sides. Packaged in 6 boxes of 16 capsules, it's easy to fill up on coffee at home and save money thanks to the sliding-scale discount.

Discover all our Dolce Gusto® compatible pods.



Value Pack Dolce Gusto® Pods Espresso Americano by Gimoka x 96


Intensite Balanced Coffee
Appellation Blend 
Variete Blend
Type de torrefaction
roasted in
Pays de torrefaction  Italy
gimoka dolce gusto americano

Dolce Gusto® compatible pods
compatible capsules available in a value pack to extend your coffee break

Who said there was no more coffee? MaxiCoffee has come up with this pack of 6 × 16 Espresso Americano pods so you'll never have to worry about stock again. Try this medium-roast blend made from Arabica coffee beans, ideal for enjoying coffee all day long.

It's perfect as an extended version, offering a powerful aroma that's sure to satisfy Italian coffee lovers. Gimoka's Espresso Americano capsules, compatible with Nescafé Dolce Gusto® machines, guarantee ease of use and the preparation of a consistently good coffee, characterised by a fine layer of cream.

Discover all our Dolce Gusto® compatible pods.

Nescafe Dolce Gusto Pods Espresso Intenso Decaffeinato x 16
  • 16 x Nescafé Dolce Gusto pods
  • For a Strong Decaf Espresso
  • Blend of Arabica & Robusta
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  • In stock, dispatched within 48h

 Columbus Dolce Gusto Pods Caramel Hot Chocolate x 12
  • Cocoa Drink
  • Notes: Chocolate and Salted Butter Caramel
  • Compatible with Dolce Gusto®.
  • Packaging: 12 Pods

Mother's Day

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Prix de comparaison : 6€30
Prix de vente conseillé par la marque ou le fournisseur. En savoir plus
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  • In stock, dispatched within 48h

STARBUCKS Dolce Gusto® pods Caffè Latte x 12 pods
  • 100% Arabica
  • Nutty notes
  • American roast
  • 12 Dolce Gusto pods
Prix de comparaison : 5€20
Prix de vente conseillé par la marque ou le fournisseur. En savoir plus
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  • In stock, dispatched within 48h

Nescafé Dolce Gusto pods Cortado Espresso Macchiato x 16 coffee pods
  • 16 x Dolce Gusto pods
  • Perfect creamy cortado
  • For Dolce Gusto machines
Prix de comparaison : 6€20
Prix de vente conseillé par la marque ou le fournisseur. En savoir plus
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  • In stock, dispatched within 48h