Caffè Vergnano ESE pods Oro - 5 x 18

  • Arabica/Robusta
  • Roasted in Italy
  • Balanced espresso
  • 5 Boxes of 18 ESE pods
Prix de comparaison : 42€90
Prix de vente conseillé par la marque ou le fournisseur. En savoir plus
Available in:
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  • In stock, dispatched within 48h

Caffé Vergnano's ESE Oro pods come in packs of 18: this blend is a creamy coffee, rich in aroma and flavour like that of a bar. 5x18 pods.


Main Characteristics:

IntensiteBalanced Coffee
Appellation  Blend
Type de torrefaction
roasted in
Pays de torrefaction  Italy



90 ESE Pods Oro - Caffè Vergnano


ESE pods Oro Vergnano
A gourmet coffee with a distinct flavour

Each coffee pod contains just the right amount of ground coffee to make a real espresso in a single step: an intense moment of pleasure.

Oro is a blend with a delicate aroma, thanks to the balance between Central American Arabicas and one of the best Robustas in the world. Its scents of caramel and vanilla are obvious, while in the cup it reveals notes of cocoa and tobacco.


Caffé Vergnano s'engage pour l'environnementCaffé Vergnano is committed to the environment: The attention that Caffè Vergnano devotes to the balance of our planet increases every day.

To communicate its commitment to the environment, Caffé Vergnano has created the new "Caffè Vergnano per l'ambiente" logo, which indicates that the packaging has a low impact on the environment and advises how to recycle the various materials it is made of.

This is an ongoing commitment for Caffè Vergnano, which aims to market packaging that is increasingly recyclable.

Caffè Vergnano

Caffè Vergnano

Caffè Vergnano is a company that boasts a long and prestigious history.

The company was founded way back in 1882 by Domenico Vergnano, grandfather of the current owners, who set up business in the small medieval town of Chieri, at the foot of Turin Hill.

The true vocation of the Vergnano family became apparent very quickly: in just a few years they mastered the art of coffee-roasting and selling.

Mokador Castellari Espresso Tazza Grande ESE pods x 20
  • Arabica/Robusta blend
  • Strong coffee
  • Roasted in Italy
  • Made for a cup of Lungo coffee
  • 1 dispensing box of 20 ESE pods
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  • In stock, dispatched within 48h

Chocolate flavoured coffee 50 ESE pods - Les Petits Torréfacteurs
  • 100% Arabica (Columbia)
  • 50 individually wrapped ESE pods
  • Chocolate flavour
  • French Artisanally roasted
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  • In stock, dispatched within 48h

ESE pods - 100% Arabica Congo - x 50 - Les Petits Torréfacteurs
  • 100% Arabica (Congo)
  • 50 individually wrapped ESE pods
  • French Artisanally roasted
  • Spicy notes
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  • In stock, dispatched within 48h

Illy ESE pods Espresso Classico x 90 coffee pods
  • Classic Italian roast
  • 100% Arabica
  • Illy ESE pods for compatible espresso machines
  • 90 ESE pods in a box
Prix de comparaison : 31€49
Prix de vente conseillé par la marque ou le fournisseur. En savoir plus
+ -
  • In stock, dispatched within 48h